Advanced Queries

Direct SQL based queries

You can use ensembldb3 to perform your own custom SQL queries of the Ensembl databases. ensembldb3 relies on SQLAlchemy for SQL. Hence, you need to learn how to use the SQLAlchemy expression language.


The Ensembl MySQL schema is the essential reference.

To start with, we create a Genome instance.

>>> import os
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import sqlalchemy as sql
>>> from ensembldb3 import Genome, HostAccount
>>> account = HostAccount(*os.environ['ENSEMBL_ACCOUNT'].split())
>>> human = Genome('human', release=85, account=account, pool_recycle=10000)

We perform a custom query of the human variation database, sampling non-somatic SNPs whose flanks match the reference genome. We construct our where clause and use that in a select statement that will be performed on the Ensembl’s variation_feature table. In the interests of computational speed we will limit the query to 1 record and display it using pprint to make it more legible.

>>> variation_feature = human.VarDb.get_table("variation_feature")
>>> whereclause = sql.and_(variation_feature.c.somatic==0, variation_feature.c.alignment_quality==1)
>>> query =[variation_feature], whereclause)
>>> query = query.limit(1)
>>> for record in query.execute():
...     pprint(record.items())
[('variation_feature_id', 19004134),
 ('seq_region_id', 131537),
 ('seq_region_start', 60360),
 ('seq_region_end', 60360),
 ('seq_region_strand', 1),
 ('variation_id', 20065981),
 ('allele_string', 'C/G'),
 ('variation_name', 'rs111660247'),
 ('map_weight', 1),
 ('flags', None),
 ('source_id', 1),
 ('consequence_types', {'downstream_gene_variant'}),
 ('variation_set_id', set()),
 ('class_attrib_id', 2),
 ('somatic', 0),
 ('minor_allele', None),
 ('minor_allele_freq', None),
 ('minor_allele_count', None),
 ('alignment_quality', Decimal('1.0000000000')),
 ('evidence_attribs', None),
 ('clinical_significance', None),
 ('display', 1)]


Values in the SQLAlchemy result objects can be accessed in multiple ways, including like a dictionary.